Saturday, April 4, 2020

These are the emails between Jamie and I...


I was going to ask if you would put your name as a hopeful artist to a show!...obviously I would have spoke to u before. It was for this springs summer Astoria.

I have sooo many amazing friends that found their way here to sell.   All sorts of art. Completely amateur and all sorts of mediums.  I mentioned, to one of the program leaders your name!  (It helped your niece and brother are so loved here).  The artists in the past, that I have known, have actually made an amazing name for themselves..Plus..they have been so marketable on their own at these fairs in town that actual Galleries display their work.  Because it is such an influential town, and full of tourists, the market is amazing.    I truly hoped that for you...

However...people saw your fb.   And your views of gay people...And other “nonwhite,no Christian species” was brought to my attention. 

 I was honestly disgusted. 

 They may contact u .I don’t know...but I do ask out of respect, you take ALL and any pics of my GAY son down from your page.  There is no reason for him to be there.  I have told him this...he could give “ less.  Yet agrees.   There is no reason for you to be associated with him, according to your posts.  You are hypocritical,and hurtful.   

Thank god I met your mother...or I would have never believed your brother could have been raised as he was....and Yes,,he went through the Church..and has realized his ways of biased behavior..  But he came back to a place he did leave....and it is your mothers rational, unconditional honor and respect of humans.
  I was in a church.  And I never experienced the hate your church does.  To this day I pray that a God  in any form,seek judgement or hate.  Nor a beloved God be political. My heart speaks my truth.  Please remove my son from your page.



Hi Jamie, I’m just now reading your email today because I haven’t been on my computer for a while, getting needed rest. I misunderstood that the word ‘love’ has two meanings, so when gay people claim that Christians are concerned about ‘sexual love’ having to do with buggery, then yes, those gay people are correct in using the word ‘love’ in the context that those people were using it in. Agape love and unconditional love are my favorites types of love.

Jamie, I love the sinner, because I’m a sinner just like everyone else. People can do whatever they want to do, whether it’s right or wrong, because we have free will. I don’t hate anybody. I’m very forgiving and understanding of the human condition that we all must bear. I sympathize with all people including myself, because we live in a world of lies, thievery, murder, abuse, addiction, depression, sexual buggery, feeling lost and alone, greed, conceit, hate, hypocriticalism, insecurity, vulnerability, and un-forgiveness. I began successfully repenting of my own sins back in 1997. Does this make me some perfect person, no it doesn’t and it never will.

My mom said that pornography was okay, which surprised me. I’m glad she said that because it was reverse psychology on my heart and mind, which helped lead me away from sexual buggery. My own mother, saying that porn was okay, totally grossed me out and hurt my heart, even though I was watching porn at that time in my life, which is ironic. My friend Carol Lux is a Christian. She’s disgusted by masturbation, among many other things. Just because pornography is legal, doesn’t make it okay. Slavery was once law in the Middle East, and in the Dutch slave trade and throughout history all over the world, yet that doesn’t mean that it was okay just because it was the law.

My old friend David Schnoor, who I hung out with back in 1998 to 2001, he was actively gay until he hit rock bottom from a life of promiscuity, drugs, and being diagnosed with A.I.D.S.. He asked God if God was real, which brought him three supernatural answers within a six month time frame. He’s now living and working at Freedom House for troubled men in Vancouver. He just spent a few months doing missionary work in Africa. He became a Christian in 2016 on his own free will. He was not forced to be a Christian. I was not forced to be a Christian, and I would never force anyone to be a Christian. If David were still gay, I would still love him and be his friend no matter what.

I have dark humor like DJ, which comes in handy when showing the light to some people who like dark humor, kind of like this video I made, which I saw Robert Morris do the same thing on his TV show. It's funny, you might appreciate it. Take a chance.


None the less, you constantly clump gay human beings and transgender human beings with hell and pedophilia.   My son is gay. My best friend is gay.  I have Trans’re disrespect for the community is appalling.  I am not asking you to change. You be you. Just take my son off your posts or pics. Thank you.


Hi Jamie, hope your enjoying this awesome weather. Let’s get to the roots. First I'll talk about the face book post, which was a matter of semantics; then I'll talk about your accusation that I clump gays and pedos together. Sound good?

I need to explain further about our crinkle, as it is. My facebook post was about semantics.

When I heard a gay person on a youtube video say that Christians don’t allow gay people to ‘love’,

I was correcting that particular persons semantics.

If that person would have been detailed and clear with knowledge and wisdom of the bible, they might have said something like this, 

“The bible disagrees with my sexual activity, which causes some self righteous Christians who are like pharasies, to throw metaphorical stones. This is contradictory to the bible, because the bible says in 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done in love. I may choose to live in sin, but that does not give anybody the right to point fingers, unless I’m breaking mans law, which sadly some Eastern and Middle Eastern countries will jail and even put gays to death for being gay or getting caught in the act. Now if I want to change my sexual lifestyle to please God, then and only then will I do it by free will and choice. There’s no way I’d change if I were being forced or harassed about it. Thank God for the mercy of Western civilization.”

The definition of love is not sex and the definition of sex is not love. The definition of love is ‘concern and affection’. The definition of sex is ‘sexual activity, especially sexual intercourse’ and ‘the sexual urge or instinct as it manifests itself in behavior’.


I don't clump gays with pedophiles, I never have. Any human can be a pedophile; that is a random roll of the dice of life. Drag Queens who twerk and dance seductively for children at Drag Queen story hour, they are clumping themselves in with kids, I’m not doing it, they are. Not all drag queens are alike. Some drag queens would never do sexual shows for kids, yet some drag queens will do sexual shows for kids.

Jamie wrote more emails to me, that I have not opened. There’s enough here to back up my case.

Nonwhite? Hmmm, why would you think this Jamie? Is it because I voted for Trump? Now if someone judges, who I am as a person, because I voted for Trump, then that person is prejudice against me, they don’t know me. Well Kristy, since you voted for Trump that automatically makes you a racist even if you aren’t a racist. All of these people who voted for Trump must be racist too… this includes the Latino, Hispanic, Asian descent, African descent, Native American descent, and any other race of people who voted for Trump, they simply hate themselves and are racists against themselves and or they are racists against other races??? Really now, so that’s how it works. Spock finds this to be highly illogical and so do I. I don’t TINK so. And there is no such thing as a Christian species. Christianity is a belief system and a practice.

This is one of my best friends, David Schnoor. He's the one in my testimony who breathed underwater with me in the Living Waters in my dream. David was diagnosed with AIDS, but thankfully there is no sign of it anymore. David came back from Africa in January of 2020 after doing missionary work.

Here is a drag queen who I admire very much, Kitty Demure. Please know that he agrees with me and I with him...

 I disagree with normalizing the sexualization of children, no matter who is doing it. It's funny that Jamie has never seen any of the facebook posts that I've put up about girls being taught how to dance sexually or catholic priests who molest kids. Jaimie thinks I clump gays and pedos all together, which I have never done.

 Most people sexualize kids behind closed doors, yet others do it in the open. Toddlers & Tiaras is sick and twisted. Boy scouts being molested by scout leaders, catholic priests molesting children, gymnastic teachers molesting students, girls being taught to dance sexually by their dance teachers, public schools teaching grade schoolers about anal sex among other questionable things. Drag queens gyrating for kids. Gay pride allowing kids under 18 to attend is not okay with me. Wait until they are 18 to attend gay pride parades. Allowing kids under 18 to get hormone replacement and surgeries is not okay with me. Wait until they are 18 to make those irreversible decisions.

I don't understand why Jamie might think this video is okay.
It makes me sick, it hurts my heart. This is not reading stories. 
This is sexualizing babies, toddlers, and grade schoolers.
It's disgusting. And people want to make it normal. Imagine taking your kid, who you don't know is being sexually abused by the babysitter to this drag queen show, 
wow, that only makes things worse.

This next video, 
watch the whole thing 
to see that some drag queens are doing adult style shows 
for kids and the kids parents
I don't care if the parents like it, it is sick.

My argument against childhood  
transgenderism of 17 and under
Wait until they are 18 
to make this irreversible choice

Alex said that if she would have transitioned,
her life would be a living hell.
She wanted to transition because
she assumed that boys are not molested 
and boys are not sexually harassed.
She thought that being a boy would protect her 
from being abused again and again and again. 
When Alex told me her doctor wanted to transition
her, I looked at her and said,
"How's you day going? Anything new?"
I did not feed the snake that was hounding Alex. 
A week later Alex was dressing like a girl again. 

If Simon Cowell were to have a transgender
competition, there would be some people who would do transgender beautifully, where you can't even tell the difference, who have a sound mind and heart. Then you would have those transgenders who do it wrong, with bad attitudes thinking they are the cream of the crop, those who want to jail you for calling them another pronoun, not by ridicule, but by simply knowing there true genitalia.
Simon would ridicule these blowhards.  

Kitty Demure Says It All
I don't clump gays in with pedos.
Anybody can be a pedo.
These are groomers of children.

 Children hand dollars to this drag queen 
who dances seductively for them. 
No. I don't care if the parents like it, 
I will demand laws be made 
that children not be subject to this. 
Wait until they are 18.

 Here's a drag dancer dancing for a little girl.
This little girl reminds me of vivian
This makes me sick.

Go to the 17 minute 10 second mark of this video. 


Watch this entire video

Public schools are teaching little kids about sex and anal sex, saying it’s okay. Are they teaching kids when it’s NOT okay, as in sexual abuse, molestation? Imagine children who go to school, who are being sexually abused at home or in other places; they go to school to be taught that sex is okay or that it’s okay to change their sex organs because some children believe that if they become the opposite sex, they will no longer be sexually harassed or sexually abused. See the conundrum? There is no safety for sexually abused children in schools, because schools are promoting sexual debauchery.

Public schools need to teach young children how to always tell someone if they have been touched inappropriately. This needs to be taught repetitively each year, from K-12 grade. Same with teaching how to respect each other, boys and girls respecting and appreciating each other with manners. What ever happened to teaching etiquette and manners and how to treat each other with grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love?

Teaching teens, in gym class, about mace and self-defense as weapons against sexual attackers is vital for the females. Most males are strong. Most males aren’t going to be sexually attacked by strangers on the street. Females need to be taught physical self-defense in gym class.

As far as my art goes, I greatly appreciate Jamie’s suggestion and enthusiasm, I think it’s neat, yet my art is meant for graphic design to be copyrighted and commissioned to the textile industry. That part of my work is in the works, patiently waiting for precise timing. I found an art licensing agency recently, that looks promising. I’m adding to my portfolio website due to their particular requirements, not to mention I’m going to do my own copyrights, not going to have the art licensor do it, or else it will cost way too much.

I agree with the garden.
I disagree with toxicity, greed, and evil. 

What a site for SURE EYES who live in the Matrix eating up the blue pill. I was once spiritually blind, but now I see. Keep eating ice cream like good, blind goats. Or eat the bread bowl of life known as Jesus by opening our eyes to the evil in the world by admitting to the horrors that must be brought to light with an emergency broadcast that overrides the main stream media who would like to cover this up.

As far as my art goes, I greatly appreciate Jamie’s suggestion and enthusiasm, I think it’s neat, yet my art is meant for graphic design to be copyrighted and commissioned to the textile industry. That part of my work is in the works, patiently waiting for precise timing. I found an art licensing agency recently, that looks promising. I’m adding to my portfolio website due to their particular requirements, not to mention I’m going to do my own copyrights, not going to have the art licensor do it, or else it will cost way too much. 

If this were a court case, with a non biased judge, I would probably  win. I don't belittle anybody, I question what I see or hear and then I debate with people in hopes that they bring their research to the table so that we can compare research.

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